UT Group most respects the “free will” of each worker in considering its business.
While respecting the will of our people, we will provide opportunities for their growth and self-realization through work.
The growth of our people is the source of the value generated by UT Group. In order to enable this, we will continue to strengthen the business base and organizational control system.

Materiality of UT Group

Workers’ potential to be broadened
We respect and are engaged with each worker and continue to create an environment where workers can vigorously work.

  • Development of human resources
  • Securing of talented people
  • Diversity and inclusion

Continued strengthening of business base
We continue to lead the staffing industry from the perspective of workers, without being constrained by legacy customs.

  • Appropriate work practices
  • Health and safety of associates
  • Data security

Fair and transparent organizational controls
We foster a corporate culture that respects each individual, and maintain an open and fair corporate attitude.

  • Code of Conduct
  • Corporate governance
  • Business ethics

Appropriate environmental considerations
We recognize our impact on the natural environment and appropriately control it.

  • Development of environmental policies and environmental management

Materiality assessment process

In order to understand the social needs of the staffing industry so that we properly identify our materiality, we looked at the items of the SASB Materiality Map’s service sector and the items that RobecoSAM has set as criteria to focus on in the Professional Services sector. We did this to facilitate extracting 12 items that are considered to be highly desirable in the staffing industry. We then had dialogues with external stakeholders and asked what they expected of UT Group. In order to discuss matters from a common perspective, we asked them to assign relative priorities to the 12 items of the staffing industry and asked for their specific opinions based on that. Similar processes were carried out internally, to receive opinions from executives, managers, employees, and others. We thus set priority on the relevance of UT Group’s business to its items.