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Recruitment activities

FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
Applicants (technical jobs) 180,648※1 141,524※2 139,720※2
Number of interviews (technical jobs) 60,628※1 59,943※2 63,247※2
Graduates hired (technical jobs) 584※3 549※4 425※5
Graduates hired (general jobs)※6 22 12 4
Mid-career hired (technical jobs) 14,406※7 10,767※2 12,662※2
Mid-career hired (general jobs)※6 197 79 140
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Career formation support activities

FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
Recipients of training courses 44,351※8 57,242※5 79,465※5
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Career formation support activities

FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
One UT users※6 570 478 81
Next UT users※6 541 606 760
UT Entry users※6 295 272 243
Job changers, from a technical job to a general job※6 60 52 74
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Human Resource Development Indicators

FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
Median annual income※6 (1,000 yen) 3,346 3,559 3,360
Median annual income increase rate (%)※9
(Compared to FY2021.3)
+5.7 +10.7 +12.1
Monthly retention rate of associates (%) 96.8※10 96.5※4 96.1※4
Associates (total domestic)※6 33,478 33,745 35,019
Technical associates (domestic)※6 31,636 31,936 33,078
General associates (domestic)※6 1,842 1,809 1,941
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Workplace development activities

FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
Client companies 1,658※11 1,953※6 2,260※6
Workplaces 2,197※11 2,697※6 3,028※6
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Diversity indices

FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
Elderly hired※6 181 265 432
Disabled persons hired※12 152 86 59
Women hired (technical jobs)※6 5,078 4,567 4,417
Women hired (general jobs)※6 72 22 54
Ratio of female directors (%)※13 0.0 14.3 16.7
Ratio of female managers (%)※14 11.2 12.7 14.0
Ratio of female associates (%)※6 28.7 34.6 32.1
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Continued strengthening of business base

Proper labor practices

FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
Acquirers of child-care leave (total)※6 256 228 296
Acquirers of child-care leave (male associates)※6 27 34 64
Acquirers of child-care leave (female associates)※6 229 194 232
Childcare leave acquisition rate (male associates)(%)※6 13.8 39.5
Return rate after child-care leave (%)※6 83.2 57.0 58.9
Acquirers of nursing-care leave※6 12 8 4
Indefinite employment ratio (%) 95.5※15 91.9※4 84.9※4
Fixed-term employment ratio (%) 4.5※15 8.1※4 15.1※4
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Data Security

FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
Recipients of information security training courses※11 27,343 30,645 29,978
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Health and Safety

FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
Average overtime hours 16.4※15 14.5※4 12.3※4
Work-related accident rate※4
(Number of fatalities and injuries due to work-related ccidents/actual working hours x 1,000,000)
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Fair and transparent organizational controls

Business Ethics

FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
Recipients of compliance training courses※11 27,343 30,645 29,978
Cases of serious violations of laws and regulations※6 0 0 0
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Corporate Governance

FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
Attendees at the general meeting of shareholders※13
(including live viewers)
32 18 35
Questions raised at the general meeting of shareholders※13 4 8 6
Voting rights exercise rate (%)※13 88.7 90.5 83.5
Ratio of independent outside officers (%)※13 63.6 50.0 66.7
Average attendance rate of the Board of Directors (%)※13 99.5 100.0 100.0
Board meetings held※13 20 16 16
Audit & Supervisory Committee meetings held※13 10 12
Nomination Committee meetings held※13 1
Nomination and Compensation Committee meetings held※13 3 5 4
IT Investment Committee meetings held※13 13 12 7
Compliance and Risk Management Committee meetings held※13 12 12 12
Governance Council meetings held※13 4 2 2
Management Committee meetings held※13 35 35 35
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Code of Conduct

FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
Cases received at the whistleblowing hotline 111※11 180※6 129※6
Human rights related consultations 18※11 32※6 19※6
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Appropriate environmental considerations

Environmental management

Unit FY3/2022 FY3/2023 FY3/2024
Greenhouse gas emissions※16、※17 t-CO2 1,900.5 2,493.1 2,819.4
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) t-CO2 1,871.2 2,463.8 2,788.6
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2) t-CO2 29.2 29.2 29.2
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3) t-CO2
Paper consumption to sales※18、※19 57.0 42.0 36.7
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UT Aim, UT Community, Support System, UT Pabec, UTHP, UT Construction
UT Aim, UT Connect, UT Construction
UT Aim, UT Pabec, UT Technology, UT Construction
UT Aim, UT Connect, UT Technology, UT Construction
UT Aim, UT Connect, UT Technology, UT Construction, FUJITSU UT, UT Toshiba, UT Heartful
UT Group companies in Japan
UT Aim, UT Community, Support System, Seekel, UT Pabec, UTHP, UT Construction
UT Aim, UT Community, UT Pabec, UTHP, UT Technology, UT Construction
Manufacturing business and Engineering business
UT Aim, UT Community, UTHP, UT Technology, UT Construction
UT Group companies in Japan excluding UT FSAS Creative
UT Group, UT Heartful
UT Group
UT Group, UT Aim, UT Connect, UT Technology, UT Construction
UT Group, UT Aim, UT Community, UT Pabec, UTHP, UT Technology, UT Construction, UT Heartful
UT Group, UT Aim
Emissions are calculated based on the “Green Value Chain Platform” of the Environment Ministry and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industries.
Scope1: Greenhouse gas emissions from use of company vehicles
Scope2: Greenhouse gas emissions from electricity use in the offices
Scope3: Major indirect emissions excluding the above
UT Group, UT Aim, UT Connect, UT Technology, UT Construction, FUJITSU UT, UT Toshiba
Indices are set based on 100 for FY3/ 2020.