Services for job seekers
Services for job seekers by UT Group,
responding to needs of each person who wants to work

UT Group has secured good workplaces mainly of major manufacturing companies for various workers, from factory operators to design and development engineers. In Japan most dispatch companies exchange a fixed-term employment contract with dispatched workers but UT Group exchanges an indefinite-term (open-ended) employment contract with them, ensures a stable base for their living, and support their skill enhancement with extensive career formation support systems. This is because UT Group wants to respond to job seekers’ willingness to work. For those who want to work in their local area, UT Group has secured a variety of jobs and workplaces across Japan, contributing to the employment stability in local areas.
Here are the diverse vigorous work stories of our people and the ongoing story of UT Group, which stand by its people and are continually engaged with them.

Respond to people who desire to work.
UT Group’s concept movie is full of cheers to workers.