Reassurance, bonding, and growth

Our Dedication to
Working People

One-to-One spirit
UT Group stands by people and stays face to face with them


“Create vigorous workplaces empowering workers.” This mission of UT Group is easier said than done. Now that the way people live is diversifying, what people want in their jobs also differs by each person. “I want to have a stable income and live in the local community.” “I’d like to utilize acquired skills and someday contribute to the development of my home country.” “I want to transfer over my long-accumulated know-how in manufacturing to the next generation.” What is your dream workstyle? UT Group stands by you, and stay face to face with you in One-to-one spirit, responding to your desire regarding workstyle.


We are said to be in an age of the 100-year lifetime. At the same time an individual’s work time for some has become much longer than the life of that person’s company. In such a case, how we interact with work in life is a big theme for each individual. UT Group’s vision is to become the career platform for people who work in the way they want to work. We are developing a system to support individual growth with the work-related reassurance and bonding.



UT Group will enhance the system for creating the reassurance and support workers’ living, leisure, and life. UT Group’s enhanced benefit programs include an employee shareholding plan that is utilized by 20% of all associates (a term for employees at UT Group) and the corporate housing supply that covers 50% of all associates (a term for employees at UT Group). We will continue to enhance the support needed for associates (a term for employees at UT Group) so that they can work feeling reassured and secure for a long time.


Work and personal life, and “pleasant working environment” and “work satisfaction” are connected by information sharing. UT Group uses its own communication app to enable visual access to internal information and information of dispatched companies. Associates can set up a meeting with their boss or “career partner” by using the app. We will continue to make efforts to enhance information transmission and facilitate a “bonded” environment even concerning matters of daily life.


More diverse career paths for more people. UT Group utilizes its own Technology Skill Development Centers training facility and “e-learning” that enable its people to learn at home. UT Group has also adopted the Job Grade System as an associate evaluation system for work at a dispatched company, which was difficult to evaluate in the past. The system already covers 5,000 associates. We will enhance our consciousness of fostering people together with our client companies.