2024/09/30PRESS RELEASEUT Group Aims to Transfer Cumulative 5,000 or More Employees to Client Companies Who Become Their Employees by FY3/2026, by Using the "Next UT" Support System The transfer will be monthly record-high of 42 employees sent to a major automakerREAD MORE
2024/08/21PRESS RELEASEUT Group’s Online Photo Mosaic, Participated in by World’s Highest Number of 14,544 Employees, Certified as a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title UT’s employees from different work locations and with diverse work hours work together to complete one mosaic.READ MORE
2024/06/28PRESS RELEASEUT Group Starts Operating the "E-Pro System," a Grade-based, Skill-linked Personnel System, Enabling UT to Visualize and Appropriately Evaluate Skills of Semiconductor EngineersREAD MORE
2024/05/29PRESS RELEASEJOBPAL, a Comprehensive Job Site For Dispatch Workers Evolves into a C areer S upport P latform for 400,000 1 Manufacturing Dispatch W o rkersREAD MORE
2023/07/07PRESS RELEASEUT Aim is Participating in the Iwate Semiconductor and Electronics Industries Promotion ConferenceREAD MORE
2023/05/25PRESS RELEASEUT Aim Deploys Full scale Human Resource Development and Dispatch Model Jointly with Client Companies in Semiconductor Industry Placement of 72 New Graduates to SCREEN SPE, as First StepREAD MORE
2023/05/08PRESS RELEASEUT Aim is Participat ing the Kyushu Semiconductor Human Resource s Development ConsortiumREAD MORE
2022/09/26PRESS RELEASE" LINE AiCall " Launched a t UT Group's hir ing contact center To be available 24x7 for outbound and inbound calls OREAD MORE
2022/06/06PRESS RELEASEUT Group has produced more than 1,000 semiconductor manufacturing equipment engineersREAD MORE
2022/04/01PRESS RELEASEUT Group Launches JOBPAL, a Comprehensive Job Site For Dispatch WorkersREAD MORE